Ilyo Tae Kwon Do
Ilyo Tae Kwon Do
"Carrying on the Tradition as a Family"
Est. 2005

What is Tae Kwon Do?
Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial art. While training is often vigorous, Tae Kwon Do teaches more than just fighting skills. It is a discipline meant to enhance our spirit through physical training. While our bodies are geared up in preparation for the world, so is our mind.
But before we get into that, let’s take a step back.
The Korean word Tae Kwon Do is composed of three parts:
Tae means "foot"
Kwon means "fist,"
Do means the "way" or "discipline." Together- the way of the hand and foot.
Tae Kwon Do has a long history- stretching back hundreds of years, actually. It has gone by many names in Korea. Over the years, it has been identified with other arts, since often there are similar features. What sets Tae Kwon Do apart? Many things! It has a dynamic set of movements, rich history of patterns passed on for years, and a very strong principle that follows the idea that we are not strong until our mind is strong and at peace.
If we are unbalanced, we are without peace.
Tae Kwon Do can be characterized by unity: the unity of body, mind, and spirit. When practicing, you should make your mind peaceful and synchronize your mind with your movements. This is done through concentration. The idea is that if we can focus on matching the body to the mind while training, we can extend this level of focus and discipline into life.
That is the ultimate goal!
If I can concentrate within my dojan, I can concentrate in school, during extracurricular activities, or at my job. I can accomplish great things because I have grown strong in the art.
Tae Kwon Do is a way of life. You can learn how to defend yourself through endless methods and in countless locations. When studying Tae Kwon Do, however, your mind is being prepared to take on the world. Your confidence, awareness, compassion, strength, leadership ability, and spirit are all being honed and polished on a daily basis.
Sometimes our enemies in life are not physical. The challenges of the world are often meant to break us, but if we have a strong mind-set, we are indomitable.
We are unbreakable.